
Storex Trading Ltd (company code 10459426) is a dedicated company established for the sole purpose of trading in metals, mainly non-ferrous and precious metals. Storex Trading Ltd is a registered trader on the High Ridge Futures US Chicago Commodity Exchange (COMEX) platform. The principal business of Storex Trading Ltd is the trading of the commodities (metals) with Archer Daniels Midland Investment Service brokers. The responsibilities of Storex Trading Ltd will start with arranging the transportation to the commodity exchanges’ warehouses, include insurance, quality testing and other services required,  and end by obtaining the best price on the commodity exchange enlisting the assistance of the ADMIS broker.


Working with Storex Trading Ltd.

The advantages of partnering with Storex Trading:

1. Get ADMIS brokers to trade the products of Storex Trading Ltd clients on all major commodity exchanges- London, Shanghai, Hong-Kong, Singapur, Chicago. Due to the flexibility and speed of transactions Storex Trading Ltd prefers the London Metal Exchange for metals trading.

2. Storex Trading Ltd can trade in all commodities listed on the exchanges: non-ferrous metals, precious metals, etc.

3. Reduced risks due to using exclusively the LME Warehouses and Henry Bath & Son Ltd for the logistics. Henry Bath & Son Ltd is approved and accepted by all major commodity exchanges, banks and insurers. The producers of the traded products must have the LME Brand, and the products need to pass the test performed by Société Générale de Surveillance .

4. Use of the risk-free payment system of the London Metal Exchange.

5. Option to use the assistance of Storex Trading Ltd to pass the certficiation process and obtain the LME Brand for their refinery.


The partners of Storex Trading Ltd are:

London Metal Exchange
High Ridge Futures
Henry Bath & Son Ltd
ADM Investor Services
Société Générale de Surveillance
JP Morgan Chase Bank
LME Warehouses


Chief Executive Officer

Randar Tamm

Mobile: +372 50 14 425

Chairman of the Board

Martin Lembra


Member of the Board

Viktoria Titova


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